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See “WHAT’S NEW” below (or on the side)

President’s Ponderings May, 2024

Susan V. Rak

•••• This is the season of endings and beginnings. Commencement exercises in various institutions mark the end of years of study and the beginning of a new stage in life. Some of our UU congregations are calling or hiring new leadership staff, and ministries are beginning and ending. Here in UURMaPA we are welcoming newly retired ministers and partners or spouses into this community and into a new stage in their lives.
•••• A quick way of describing UURMaPA is to highlight its role as a hub of connection. It is a rather loosely based community that is made up of people automatically enrolled in it by virtue of their statement of retirement from active ministry. What you do with your membership in UURMaPA is totally up to you. But I, for one, hope you will find some way to be active in it—by being part of a Zoom-based group, or attending conferences, or taking part in planing those conferences, or just every so often being in touch with fellow UURMaPAns.
•••• As I’ve thought more about the themes presented in our conference this past April, I’m reflecting on the idea of being an elder… See ALL of Susan’s message…

Other 2023-24 UURMaPA Board members:
(Find photos and bios under Governance)

  • Ned Wight, Vice-President
  • New Secretary, July 1: *Anne Marsh
  • New Treasurer, July 1: *Paul Johnson
  • New Editor, July 1: *George Buchanan
  • Barbro Hansson, Conferences
  • Wayne Arnason, UU Liaison
  • Fritz Hudson, Connections
  • Joy Atkinson, Connections Asst.


  • First Update on our Next Conference (Fall: Oct. 21-23, 2024) HERE
  • View the latest FULL COLOR issue of Elderberries—MAY ’24 (including a review of our most recent SPRING 2024 conference): Elderberries MAY 2024
  • *Names/bios of new UURMaPA leadership—scroll down under Governance
  • Update (5/24) on UUA Retirement Plan (Req. Min. Distr.) HERE
  • Invitation to Peer Support Groups (“Connections Corner”) HERE