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President’s Ponderings August, 2024

Susan Rak

•••• Living here at the New Jersey shore, every August the air seems thicker with humidity and the sand is so blisteringly hot that a trip to the beach becomes less and less attractive. I long for the waning light and cooling breezes of autumn during these dog days.
•••• This shift in seasons, when temperatures begin to cool off and days shorten, signals a welcome change in my own energies. UURMaPA seems to mirror this, as a newly configured Board is coming together, thinking and planning for the year ahead.
•••• In preparing for the Board’s in-person meeting at the end of August, I’ve been gathering up bits and pieces of UURMaPA history. According to sources, it all started back in the early 1980s… See ALL of Susan’s message…

Other 2023-24 UURMaPA Board members:
(Find photos and bios under Governance)

  • Ned Wight, Vice-President
  • New Secretary, July 1: Anne Marsh
  • New Treasurer, July 1: Paul Johnson
  • New Editor, July 1: George Buchanan
  • Barbro Hansson, Conferences
  • Wayne Arnason, UU Liaison
  • Fritz Hudson, Connections
  • Joy Atkinson, Connections Asst.


  • Meadville Lombard is collecting odysseys. Details HERE
  • View the latest full color issue of Elderberries—Summer ’24 (with a preview of our upcoming FALL 2024 conference): Elderberries SUMMER 2024
  • Announcement FOR ALL about our new Membership System HERE
  • Update on our Next FALL Conference (Oct. 21-23), incl. Registering HERE