[NOTE to hand-held device users: Best view is horizontal.]
- View the latest full color issue of Elderberries—WINTER ‘25
- Lots of updates on our Spring Conference (Apr. 21–23) HERE, including Presenter Karen Herling on theme relevance HERE
- Video of 11/21 session with UUA Finance Staff; lots of Qs & As, HERE
- 2024 AWARDS! Creative Sageing Award to Carole Martignacco HERE and Unsung UURMaPAn to Patt Herdklotz HERE
- Announcement FOR ALL about our new Membership System HERE

President’s Ponderings March, 2025
Well, how are you all doing? We’ve been witnessing some pretty frightful things (life-destroying fires and floods, a season fraught with soul-draining, system-destroying and economic mayhem—at least here in the U.S.), and for each of us some personal struggles and triumphs. However it is with your spirit at the moment, I do hope… See ALL of Susan’s message…
Other 2023-24 UURMaPA Board members:
(Find photos and bios under Governance)
- Ned Wight, Vice-President
- New Secretary, July 1, 2024: Anne Marsh
- New Treasurer, July 1, 2024: Paul Johnson
- New Editor, July 1, 2024: George Buchanan
- Barbro Hansson, Conferences
- Wayne Arnason, UU Liaison
- Fritz Hudson, Connections
- Joy Atkinson, Connections Asst.