Andy Backus, the Unitarian Universalist Retired Ministers and Partners Association is pleased to present you with its 2012 Creative Sage-ing Award along with a check for $500.
You have served three of our congregations – Tyngsborough, MA, Oneconta and Schenectady, NY, with distinction and provided remarkable service as Interim Minister in San Diego, CA, and Vancouver, B.C; you edited a significant collection of readings for your ministerial colleagues; you have written and performed music, as well as accompanied worship services for many groups.
You have been an exemplary UURMaPAn. You served on the Board for four years, including being treasurer. While moderating the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association chat line, you turned your technological talents to UURMaPA. Single-handedly you have managed the UURMaPA website, the data base, and UURMaPA Announce and Speak-Up list serves. Eight years we have depended on your singular skills. When you decided to retire from several of these tasks, it took two persons to take over the work; even though you had done this work for years, you volunteered to continue to moderate the Speak-Up list serve, much to the delight of the UURMaPA.
You have consulted with many among us as well as with countless other ministers and partners who rely on your considerable talent. You have carefully trained your very grateful successors in the ways of digital information. You were—and are—our “go-to-guy” when we have computer issues.
Your continued interest in UURMaPA activities and attendance at conferences models a retirement life of involvement. Your music talent as composer and performer has graced and enriched many of our worship services.
UURMaPA is not your only interest or you only service venue in retirement. The ACS emergency communications service appreciates your talent as a ham radio operator. You are an award-winning designer and builder of sets for the Bellingham Theater Guild. In addition, boaters in the Northwest appreciate the meticulous instructions on boat safety that you and Chris provide. We wish you clear skies and gentle waves.
We thank you for what you have done, not only for us, but with us.
We are delighted to honor you at this time. Congratulations!
— The Unitarian Universalist Retired Ministers and Partners Association Board
October 4, 2012