The Rev. Stanley J. Aronson

Stan Aronson
Stan Aronson

The Reverend Stan Aronson, who was active in a broad array of service to the UUA, UUMA, and local community organizations, died on January 12, 2015, aged 81.

Stanley Aronson was born on June 5, 1933 to Abraham and Tillie Aronson. He attended Temple University, earning a Doctor of Podiatry in 1958, then worked as a podiatrist and a disc jockey before heeding a call to ministry. He took mid-year graduation from Starr King (M.Div., January 1982); in November, 1982, he was ordained by the First Unitarian (now UU) Church of Berkeley.

After a series of time-limited parish appointments in Texas; Detroit MI; Albany, NY; and State College, PA, he was called to settled ministry in 1990 to the UU Society of Stamford, CT, where he served until retirement in 1999, when he was named Minister Emeritus.

Mr. Aronson co-chaired the UUA’s Urban Church Coalition and the board of the UUA’s Michigan District. He also served in a variety of volunteer positions for the District and the Michigan UUMA chapter, and for such community organizations as the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights, the Interfaith Conference on Liberal Religion, the Interfaith AIDS Advisory Committee, the Pacific House Shelter for the Homeless, the Council on Churches/Synagogues, and the Interfaith Dialogue Task Force.

He had a wide range of interests, including writing, music, exercising, film, and Harley Davidsons. He was also very social, and according to his son Brad, “died having had more friends than most could only dream of having.”

Stanley Aronson is survived by three sons, Brad, Greg and Kevin; two grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Notes of condolence may be sent to Brad Aronson, 1262 Truchard Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648.

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