Susan Elizabeth Benner, the surviving spouse of Reverend Richard Benner, died 23 August 2020 in Sarasota Florida. Her medical condition had been improving, but suddenly worsened, leading to a heart attack in hospital.
She was born 17 October 1940 In Wellington, New Zealand, to William E Thurgood and June Brodie. Her formal education culminated with her graduation from The Hewitt School in New York City in 1960.
Susan married Dick Benner on 21 December 1965 in Falmouth, Maine. After he was ordained in 1974, they lived in the places where he served Unitarian Universalist churches – Fort Meyers FL, Garden City NY, Sarasota FL, and Omaha NE. When he retired from parish ministry, they returned to Sarasota. She remained there after Dick died in 2013.
She was, first of all, fully involved in her family, even taking out photo albums to share stories with her caretakers as her health declined. Her family, in turn, remembers her love of animals, her love of music, her days on the tennis courts, and her affinity for crossword puzzles. A minister who knew them after they returned to Sarasota remembers her as being personable and fun.
Susan is survived by her two sons; Andrew, who lives in Sarasota, and can be contacted at googa69@gmail.com; Christopher, who lives in San Diego, California, with his wife Yinghong and their daughter Sophia, can be contacted at cbenner2076@gmail.com. Condolence messages might be directed to either address.