On Thursday November 21 at 1 PM Eastern (12 Central, 11 Mountain and 10 Pacific Standard Time), UURMaPA is offering our members an hour together with UUA staff who support our financial needs related to retirements funds and investments, insurance programs, and compensation.
We will be joined for a live Zoom by Richard Nugent, Anna Gehres, and Jan Gartner on video. They will offer brief presentations. The bulk of the hour, however, will be responding to your questions and concerns. Pre-registration is required to receive the Zoom link. There is no charge involved. USE THIS LINK TO PRE-REGISTER.
You might want to attend this session if you have a general curiosity about various aspects of clergy financial support and planning: for example, how and why insurance premiums go up, how your retirement funds are invested and by whom, the continuing transition from TIAA to Empower, Medicare supplements, or Benefits Transitions from and out of employment. You might have a specific question arising from your own situation or a story to tell that you think might be helpful for others to hear.
The session will be recorded and made available on UURMaPA’s website. Direct any further inquiries about this session to Wayne Arnason at