Area Connector

Job Description
(Approved by the Board May 16, 2024)

Rationale:  The Area Connector(s) promote cohesive relationships among UURMaPAns who live in defined geographical area and give periodic personal and episodic pastoral attention to every minister and partner resident in that Area.

Expectations:  The Area Connector(s)’ duties include:

  1. When copied with a Connection Coordinator’s Welcome email, introduce the newly retiring UURMaPAn to Area UURMaPA activities
  1. When notified of a UURMaPAn’s entry into the Area, introduce them to Area UURMaPA activities
  1. Annually, make contact (by email/phone/snail-mail) with each ongoing Area UURMaPAn, 
    •••• to ascertain the accuracy of the UURMaPA directories’ information and notify the Membership Coordinator ( ) of updates
    ••••to support the UURMaPAn’s interest in UURMaPA activities (The current list of UURMaPAns living in each Area is available on the website ( under Publications/Directories/Area Connections Directory.  The password is WISDOM) 
  1. Upon notice of any Area UURMaPAn’s death (eg. by UURMaPA-Announce) make personal contact with their survivor(s) 
  1. Upon notice of an Area Partner-UURMaPan’s death, assure notice to the Assistant Connections Coordinator ( 
  1. An Area Connectors “above-and-beyond-the-call” efforts may or may not include holiday/birthday greetings, periodic in-person or Zoom gatherings, and/or uniquely personal initiatives.

Drafted by Fritz Hudson, May 9, 2024