Andy Backus

Andy BackusAndy Backus: I am inspired by the notion of the Cantor, the musical leader of worship, who in concert with the Liturgist, carries the movement of worship forward on wings of words and song. On my site I offer compositions in that spirit. For speakers they are a wonderful opportunity to work within a musical context. For musicians they are a beautiful chance to bring musical drama to the spoken word. Please view them (Adobe Reader) and print them for use. I do not require payment; but I ask that you let me know when you use them.

Rev. George G. Brooks

Rev. George G. BrooksRev. George G. Brooks has published “I Took My Own Path: A Scientific Theology”. This is a compilation of many sermons preached over the last 50 years, an attempt to express a modern, rational theistic understanding of our world and universe. Readers will discover that the twain of head and heart can meet – and must if we are to continue our progression as human beings. $15.