Job Description (Approved by the Board May 16, 2024)
Rationale: The Area Connector(s) promote cohesive relationships among UURMaPAns who live in defined geographical area and give periodic personal and episodic pastoral attention to every minister and partner resident in that Area.
Expectations: The Area Connector(s)’ duties include:
When copied with a Connection Coordinator’s Welcome email, introduce the newly retiring UURMaPAn to Area UURMaPA activities
When notified of a UURMaPAn’s entry into the Area, introduce them to Area UURMaPA activities
Annually, make contact (by email/phone/snail-mail) with each ongoing Area UURMaPAn, •••• to ascertain the accuracy of the UURMaPA directories’ information and notify the Membership Coordinator ( ) of updates ••••to support the UURMaPAn’s interest in UURMaPA activities (The current list of UURMaPAns living in each Area is available on the website ( under Publications/Directories/Area Connections Directory. The password is WISDOM)
Upon notice of any Area UURMaPAn’s death (eg. by UURMaPA-Announce) make personal contact with their survivor(s)
Upon notice of an Area Partner-UURMaPan’s death, assure notice to the Assistant Connections Coordinator (
An Area Connectors “above-and-beyond-the-call” efforts may or may not include holiday/birthday greetings, periodic in-person or Zoom gatherings, and/or uniquely personal initiatives.
Job Description (Approved by the Board May 16, 2024)
Rationale: As a member of UURMaPA’s Board of Directors, the Connections Coordinator creates structures and facilitates affiliations through which UURMaPAns create, deepen and sustain personal relationships with one another.
Expectations: The Connections Coordinator’s duties include:
Upon receipt of a UUA “Intent to Retire” notice, send the new UURMaPAn(s) a welcoming email to provide an overview of opportunities to connect with other UURMaPAns and to connect the new UURMaPAn(s) with their Area Connector (if identified).
Upon receipt of the Membership Coordinator’s notice of a UURMaPAn’s change of Local Area, notify both the prior and the current Area Connectors of the change.
Upon notification of UURMaPAns’ interest in entering or forming a General-Interest-Zoom Group introduce interested UURMaPAns to ongoing Groups, or facilitate interested UURMaPAns to form & launch new Groups.
Annually, in May-September:
Determine the willingness of current Area Connectors to continue service for upcoming year
(For Areas with no continuing Connector), send an All-Area-UURMaPAn email soliciting interest in serving as Connector
Contact Open Specific-Interest-Zoom-Group Facilitators to ascertain the Group’s plans for continuation and facilitation in the coming program year
Send an UURMaPA-Announce notice soliciting interest in forming/facilitating new Special Interest Groups for the coming year
Semi-Annually in October and April:
Contact General-Interest-Zoom-Group Facilitators to determine: —-The number of Group Members desiring to continue in the Group for the following six months —-The identity of the Facilitator of each Continuing Group —-The openness of each Continuing Group to welcoming new Group Members
In each All-UURMaPA Conference, —-Publicize opportunities to form or join General-Interest-Zoom-Groups —-Publicizing all Open Specific-Interest-Zoom-Groups —-Solicit proposals to form new Specific-Interest-Zoom-Groups
Following each All-UURMaPA Conference, send an All-UURMaPA-Announce notice —-soliciting interest in entering or forming a General-Interest-Zoom-Group —-soliciting interest in forming any proposed Specific-Interest-Zoom-Groups —-publicizing all on-going Open Specific-Interest-Zoom-Groups
Annually in April, convene a Zoom-Conclave of General-Interest-Zoom-Group Facilitators to discuss best-practices and future plans/desires.
The Rev. Robert T. Latham died on June 14, 2024, at the age of 92 (1931-2024).
Robert was born on December 10, 1931, in Wichita Falls TX to Floyd Charles Latham and Artie Thelma Latham. He grew up in the Southern Baptist tradition, began preaching at 13, led revival meetings during his mid-teens, and was ordained at 18. Robert received his Bachelor of Arts in Religion and History from Baylor University in Waco TX in 1954, a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1963, and a Master of Theology from Southeastern University in 1966.
His seminary education exposed him to the concepts of mythology and historical and literary criticism, which led to a disaffection with Christianity. Furthermore, his experience as a chaplain during the Vietnam War revolutionized his views toward religion; his cultural perspectives were transformed. In the wake of these transformations, he discovered Unitarian Universalism. Further study of the history, orientation, and social posture of UUism led him to believe that ministry within this body would be a personally gratifying experience. He wanted to use his skills, expertise, and knowledge in ministry to benefit liberal religionists and entered the UU professional ministry in 1969.
Rev. Latham served as a settled minister at the UU Congregation of the Quad Cities, IA (1970–1973); All Peoples Church UU, TX (1973–1976); and the UU Church West, WI (1976–1979). He was a special minister at the UU Church of Las Cruces NM from 1980–1981 and an interim minister at large for the Pacific Northwest District, WA (1981–1985). Subsequently, he served as an interim minister at the Community UU Church, TX (1985–1986); and the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco CA (1986–1987). In 1988, Rev. Latham accepted a call from the Jefferson Unitarian Church, CO where he would serve until his retirement in 1997.
After his retirement, he served in interim ministries at the First Unitarian Church of Oakland CA (2000–2002); the UU Congregation of Princeton NJ (2002–2004); the UU Church of Tucson AZ (2004–2006); and the First Unitarian Church of Wilmington DE (2006–2007). From 2011 to 2013, he served the Pacific Central District as an Interim District Executive. In 2015, the Jefferson Unitarian Church, CO honored him as their minister emeritus.
Rev. Latham was a compelling spiritual and intellectual leader of imagination and commitment stimulating vibrant, dynamic congregational life. His creation of the Committee on Ministry (as opposed to the former Ministerial Relations Committee) and shared ministry were revolutionary in effect, bringing about greater congregational engagement and notable growth. His interim ministry helped congregations transform and grow in membership while regaining the congregation’s spirited attention through the worship experience and advanced workshops.
Rev. Latham made a significant contribution to the denomination serving as a consultant and trainer for the UUA Extension Department. He was co-designer and speaker for the Unitarian Universalist Sunday morning radio program, in Milwaukee WI (1976–1980). During the 1980s, he served the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada districts as UUA International Minister at Large. Furthermore, he chaired the Mountain Desert District committee to create a District Leadership School and designed its program and curriculum. He served as a speaker at the Jefferson Unitarian Church Community Events Forum.
Robert was head of MYTHing Link Consulting which provided a variety of services to liberal congregations and organizations. In the community, he provided his services as a facilitator of a special training program for administrators, social workers, therapists, etc. on Disability and Sexuality for the Texas Department of Human Services. He participated in state, county, and Denver CO area Youth and Violence Program and was a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Davenport IA.
He also published several of his works including The Unitarian Universalist Extension Manual (1985), Moving On From Church Folly Lane (2006), A Tale of Boxes (2009), a chapter entitled “The Temptation to Rush the Search” in the book In The Interim (2013), and a brochure entitled “Lessons From Vietnam: Why Nothing Has Changed” (2011), and American Democracy: Suicide Or Revolution? (2020).
He enjoyed writing, travel, reading, hiking, biking, movies, art, music, sports, and poker in his leisure time.
Robert is survived by his spouse Cindy Latham; daughter Sherry Kay Latham; stepchildren Christy Le Lait and Harry C Green, IV; granddaughters Ture and Miranda Latham; step-grandson Samuel Pitts; as well as his great granddaughter Gemma Miller.
A celebration of Robert’s life was held on August 3, 2024, at Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 W 32nd Ave, Golden CO 80401.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Jefferson Unitarian Church. UURMaPA will contribute to the UUMA Endowment Fund in honor of our colleague’s ministry.
Job Description (Approved by the Board on 5/16/24)
Rationale: The Treasurer maintains all financial records for UURMaPA, handles all income and expenses, and reports to the Board monthly on the financial status of the organization. The Treasurer sends memorial gifts for deceased members. For each fiscal year (January-December), the Treasurer prepares an annual Income/Expenses Report and a proposed Budget, in consultation with the Board. They work with the President on any fundraising appeal for contributions from our members. The Treasurer works with the VP to ensure that a periodic financial review is conducted. The Treasurer will periodically submit articles to Elderberries regarding UURMaPA’s financial status.
Expectations: Specific tasks of the Treasurer include the following:
Financial Records: The Treasurer requests authorization from the Board to open accounts in a bank or other financial institutions as needed and is empowered to oversee execution of needed agreements to complete the process.
Contributions – UURMaPA’s chief source of revenue is voluntary contributions from members. The Treasurer works with the President to send appeal letters to encourage contributions and sends acknowledgement notes for those funds received.
Memorial Donations and Bequests – UURMaPA regularly receives donations in memory of deceased members and has at times been notified that the organization is the beneficiary of bequests taken out by members through gifts to the UUA. Memorial gifts are currently placed in the UURMaPA Endowment Fund or other fund as determined by the Board. Large bequests may be allocated to projects as determined by the Board. The Treasurer may be given responsibility for acknowledging any of these gifts on behalf of the Board.
Endowment Fund – As of 2013, the UURMaPA Endowment Fund was invested in the UUA Common Endowment Fund. The Treasurer was empowered to execute that initial transaction and to make future deposits upon receipt of endowment contributions.
Grants – UURMaPA may apply for and receive grant funds to support special projects. The Treasurer keeps separate accounting for these grant funds and prepares timely reports as needed.
Reimbursements – UURMaPA will reimburse expenses incurred on behalf of the organization by Board members and others. The Treasurer should be consulted by anyone planning to incur non-routine expenses. The Treasurer requires receipts and documentation submitted by those requesting reimbursements.
Memorial gifts – Currently, $50 gifts are sent by the Treasurer upon the death of a member. If a ministerial death, the gift goes to the UUMA Endowment Fund; for a partner death, the $50 goes to a charity of the family’s choice. If there is no designation, the $50 will go to the UUMA Endowment Fund.
Reports: Contributions to UURMaPA are tax deductible. The Treasurer annually files with the IRS the required non-profit corporation forms (including a tax return if UURMaPA annual income should exceed $50,000.) The Treasurer also files an annual report with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in November. They may file online at, CID# is: bx3k28 and the PIN is:8958.
Compiled April 2023; minor revisions made May 2024 – Richard Speck, Treasurer
Do you want to strengthen your connections with other UURMaPAns? Here are three opportunities:
70 UURMaPAns are now involved in 11 regular Zoom Groups. Though self-governing as to format and schedule, most groups:
> Have 5-8 members > Choose a Convenor/Facilitator member > Meet monthly for a 90-minute session to:
* open and close with a reading * give each member 5 minutes to share “How is it with thy Spirit?” * spend the remaining time discussing a topic chosen at the prior session (and choosing the next session’s topic.) > At 6-month intervals, free all to “depart with thanks” or re-commit for 6 months more.
To explore joining or forming a Peer Support group, email
We currently have 2 open Special Interest Groups. Learn more by contacting the Convenors directly.
Our membership is clustered into 33 Geographical Areas. In 8 areas, Area Connectors now offer:
> orientation to newly retired & new-to-area UURMaPAns > annual check-in contact with continuing Area UURMaPAns > support to survivors at an Area UURMaPAn’s death
Good news! At our request, Empower added a housing allowance check box to their RMD (required minimum distribution) form.
As you hopefully already know, retired clergy taking distributions may choose to complete a Housing Allowance Distribution Form, rather than the other Empower withdrawal forms, to have taxes suppressed (not withheld) and to receive a form 1099-R that states “taxable amount not determined.”
What is new this month is this: If you wish to request a housing allowance RMD payment and have Empower calculate the RMD amount, you can now complete the RMD form and select the YES box for housing allowance. Call Empower to complete this over the phone or have them send you the RMD form (833-882- 2023).
Rev. Richard Nugent, Church Staff Finances Director Gloria Guldager, Retirement Plan Director Jackie Toone, Retirement Plan Employer Liaison Anna Gehres, Retirement Plan Specialist
The Rev. Dr. Arthur “Art” E. Curtis died on June 8, 2024, at the age of 90 (1934-2024
Art is survived by his wife Susan Lyden, sister Emily Mandelbaum, nieces Ruth and Audrey Mandelbaum and Erica and Brenda Curtis, nephew Rodney Curtis, five grandnephews, two grandnieces, as well as three first cousins—Jim, Anne, and Tom Conway. He was preceded in death by his brother, Charles Curtis.
A memorial service is being planned.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the charity of one’s own choosing. UURMaPA will contribute to the UUMA Endowment Fund in honor of our colleague’s ministry.
A more complete obituary will be forthcoming after biographical research has been completed. It will be published in an upcoming issue of Elderberries and posted on the UURMaPA website.If any readers would wish to contribute information or reminiscences, we would welcome them. Please send them to UURMaPA’s clergy obituary editor, Rev. Jay Atkinson –
The Rev. Kent McKusick died on June 4, 2024, at the age of 72 (1952-2024).
Kent is survived by his spouse James Perrin; brother John McKusick; and nieces Amy O’Connel, Lisa Levasalmi, and Diane Wiley Czarnick.
A memorial service will be held at 2 pm on August 15, 2024, at the UU Society of Bangor, 120 Park St, Bangor ME 04401.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the local theater where you live. UURMaPA will contribute to the UUMA Endowment Fund in honor of our colleague’s ministry.
Notes of condolences may be sent to James Perrin at or 5509 Wiltshire Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76135.
A more complete obituary will be forthcoming after biographical research has been completed. It will be published in an upcoming issue of Elderberries and posted on the UURMaPA website.If any readers would wish to contribute information or reminiscences, we would welcome them. Please send them to UURMaPA’s clergy obituary editor, Rev. Jay Atkinson –
The Rev. Frances “Fran” Ann Dew died on June 1, 2024, at the age of 83 (1941-2024).
Fran is survived by her children Jennifer Dew de Castro (Jose) and Robert Paul Dew (Alison Wright); her granddaughter Isadora Dew de Castro; stepdaughters Patricia Dew Pender, and Roberta Conant (recently deceased (Peter); sisters Bonita Robertson (Donald), and Dorothy Weatherbee (Greg); brothers Ronald King (Diana), Robert King (Helen), Clarence King, Lewis King, Charles King (Karen), William King (Cindy); her step-granddaughters and step-grandsons, as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends.
A memorial will be held at 1 pm on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at the Dixboro United Methodist Church, 5221 Church Rd, Ann Arbor MI 48105.
A more complete obituary will be forthcoming after biographical research has been completed. It will be published in an upcoming issue of Elderberries and posted on the UURMaPA website.If any readers would wish to contribute information or reminiscences, we would welcome them. Please send them to UURMaPA’s clergy obituary editor, Rev. Jay Atkinson –