Do you want to strengthen your connections with other UURMaPAns? Here are three opportunities:

70 UURMaPAns are now involved in 11 regular Zoom Groups.
Though self-governing as to format and schedule, most groups:

> Have 5-8 members
> Choose a Convenor/Facilitator member
> Meet monthly for a 90-minute session to:

* open and close with a reading
* give each member 5 minutes to share “How is it with thy Spirit?”
* spend the remaining time discussing a topic chosen at the prior session (and choosing the next session’s topic.)
> At 6-month intervals, free all to “depart with thanks” or re-commit for 6 months more.

To explore joining or forming a Peer Support group, email

We currently have 2 open Special Interest Groups. Learn more by contacting the Convenors directly.

> Care-givers: Makannah Morris (; Sylvia Howe ( > Grief Support: Duane Fickeisen (


Our membership is clustered into 33 Geographical Areas. In 8 areas, Area Connectors now offer:

> orientation to newly retired & new-to-area UURMaPAns
> annual check-in contact with continuing Area UURMaPAns > support to survivors at an Area UURMaPAn’s death

Check out your Area’s listing: > If your Area has a Connector, contact them to join in their ministry.
> If your Area has no Connector, email to become one.

Let’s Connect!
Fritz Hudson, Connections Coordinator