Marie Elizabeth Brown, 89, passed away June 22, 2023. She was born May 18, 1934, in England. When she was six, during the Battle of Britain, an air raid siren sounded. In the resulting confusion she fell out of a bus, causing a severe concussion and resulting in petit mal epilepsy that continued the rest of her life.
Marie’s father was Roman Catholic requiring that the children attend Mass weekly. Her mother did not follow any specific religion. While Marie enjoyed Catholic rituals and traditions, she was greatly influenced by her mother’s openness to different beliefs. When she was 16, her family took a freighter to the US, traveling to visit her great-grandmother in Ohio. Her mother met Dwight Brown through the Chamber of Commerce and was so impressed she introduced him to Marie. Dwight described Marie as a lovely girl who loved moving about in nature, among trees and flowers, a dancing spirit. When Marie was 18 they married.
Upon Dwight’s decision to become a UU minister, they moved to Berkeley CA, for Dwight to attend Starr King. Marie worked as a seamstress and in childcare to help support the family and they were blessed with four children within six years.
Marie attended Kent State University and Texas Wesleyan, receiving her M.A. in Gifted Education. She developed the Pegasus Program for gifted children in Ohio. Her teaching influenced an enormous number of children. While Dwight was pastor of the Dallas UU Church, Marie began Creative Movement classes. This became one of her most loved endeavors.
Marie and Dwight were married 60 years. His ministry took them to Trenton NJ; Calgary, Alberta; Dallas TX, and Shaker Heights OH. He also served the UUA in Boston MA, New York City, and Ft Worth TX. Dwight died in 2012. For the last years of Marie’s life, she lived at Juniper Assisted Living. Even though she did not drive she maneuvered all over town on her motor-powered tricycle.
Marie became a member of the UU Church of the Hill Country in Kerrville, TX, in 2004 when she and Dwight retired there. She initiated and organized Forums; Adult Religious Education; Children’s Religious Education; and even took the church trash cans to the curb. She supported UBARU, the retreat center in Mountain Home, and new buildings were named in honor of her and Rev Dwight.
Marie is survived by their children Janet Brown of Dallas; Deborah Brister of Austin; Stephanie Murray of Brownwood TX; and David Brown of Boston; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
A Memorial Gathering was held July 8 at the UU Church in Kerrville.