
Asheville Conference Attendees 2012. L-R: Andy Backus, Bob Morriss, Barbara Prairie, Elena Rigg, Chris Backus, Jim Gibson,
Liz McMaster, Ruth Gibson, Bob Sorrells, Dick Gilbert, Dillman Sorrells, Howard Box, Bob Doughty, Nancy Doughty, Susan Archer, Henry Ticknor, Peggy Owens-Mansfield,
Doddie Stone, Doak Mansfield, Jan Kazlauskas, Marcia Olsen, Glyn Pruce, Dick Norsworthy, Makanah Morriss, George Brandenburg, Nancy Ticknor, Ellen Brandenburg, Clark Olsen, Ann MacPherson, Bob MacPherson, Jean Rowe, Elinor Artman
It was a great conference! Thirty-seven people came together from 13 states at the UU Congregation of Asheville on March 28-30, 2012.

Pan South Gathering 2010. Back row: Oren (Pete) Peterson, Alan Deale, Elena Rigg, Kathleen Hunter, Herb Adams, Peter Richardson, Bob Baker, Dick Fewkes, John Morgan. Front row: Polly Leland-Mayer, Pat Peterson, Jeannette Morgan, Mary Adams, Emily Morse Palmer, Charlotte Shivvers,
Eleanor Richardson
The keynote program, “In Search of the Human Jesus of Nazareth,” with Dr. R. Earle Rabb, was very interesting and informative. A memorable odyssey was delivered by Barbara Prairie. It was great fellowship with old friends, stirring worship, and good programs

Portland (OR) Gathering 2010. (back row) Phillip Hewett, Al Thelander,
Bill Main, Steven Storla, Bob Schaibly,Lex Crane, Andy Backus, Ray Manker,
Dorothy & Leon Hopper, Ralph Mero (front row) Barbara Cheatham,
Gretchen Manker, Peter Haslund, Bets Wienecke, Sue Ayer, Mary Thelander, Chris Backus (not pictured) Ginny Crane, Ken Helms
Star Island

Star Island Conference Attendees .2010. (front row) Chuck Reinhardt, Alan Deale, Kathleen Hunter, Victor & Cathy Carpenter Middle Row: Alden Davis, Helen & Gene Pickett, Catherine Greeley (back row) Chris Lilly Backus, Margret Kolbjornsen, Andy Backus, Brad Greeley
Our August 18-25, 2012 gathering was at the Star Island Conference Center, Isles of Shoals in Rye, NH.

Star Island Conference Attendees 2009. (back row) Dick Fewkes, Chuck Reinhardt, Gene Pickett, Judy Hoehler, Peter Richardson, Catherine Greeley, Alan Deale, Brad Greeley (front row) Ellen Livingston, Alden Davis, Margret Kolbjornson, Jeanne Roy, Helen Pickett, Ralph Mero, Eleanor Richardson, Kathleen Hunter, and Harry Hoehler
Kathleen Hunter and Alan Deale planned the wonderful retreat. The theme speaker was Stefano Carta, Jungian scholar.

Leaving Star Island