Pre-GA UURMaPA Gathering — June 18, 2020

UURMaPA invites all recently retired ministers and their partners and existing UURMaPA members to a pre-General Assembly gathering on Zoom on June 18, 2020, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm EDT. Preregistration is required (see below).

There will be time for introductions to your colleagues, conversation and an overview of UURMaPA.  Special guests will speak briefly about resources available to retirees from the UUA Department of Ministries and Faith Development and the Office of Church Staff Finances.

In a typical year, this would be a luncheon during GA. A highlight each year at this meeting is the presentation of the Creative Sageing Award to a retiree in recognition of outstanding service and creativity in pursuing new ventures after retirement.  For the first time this year, we have two unrelated recipients, former Director of the Department of Ministry and current President of the Board of the Society for Ministerial Relief, the Rev. David Pohl and renowned former chemist and Deputy General Counsel of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Esther Hopkins who continues to be active in her church and community.

To preregister and obtain the Zoom link, contact Phyllis Hubbell, Vice President, by Friday, June 10. Please include your name and email. There is no charge. Phyllis will respond with additonal information and the Zoom link.