The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Harrington

Mary Harrington

Mary Harrington

The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Harrington, 58, died at home October 26, 2010, after a courageous struggle with ALS. She attended Middlebury College and graduated from William James College of Grand Valley State University with a BS in Social Ethics and Social Relations. She was executive director of Home Hospice of Sonoma County (CA).

She earned her M. Div. from Starr King. She served UU churches in Santa Rosa, CA; Houston, TX; Marblehead and Winchester, MA. Her last congregation named her minister emerita. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, she co-founded and served as president of Gulf Coast Volunteers for the Long Haul. She led 14 trips to the area, many from a wheelchair.

Mary delivered the sermon at the Service of the Living Tradition at the 2009 GA in Salt Lake City. She was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Sacred Theology from Starr King for her outstanding service as a parish minister and her inspiring leadership as president of Gulf Coast Volunteers for the Long Haul.

She is survived by her beloved husband of 30 years, Martin Teitel, her children, Julia & Samuel Teitel, and her stepson, Jason Teitel.

The Rev. Nancy J. Haley

Nancy Haley

Nancy Haley

The Rev. Nancy J. Haley, 66, died August 27, 2010. She earned bachelor‘s degrees in English and German literature and a Master of Arts in Theater & Costume Design at the U. Minnesota. She went on to earn her M.Div. at Harvard, after having taught ESL for the Minneapolis public schools for ten years. Nancy was a freelance writer and film and video producer for nearly 25 years. As a member of Unity Church Unitarian in St. Paul, she created images for Our Whole Lives. She served as interim minister at Third Church Unitarian of Chicago and then was called to serve the UU Society of Iowa City. She then served Second Unitarian Church of Omaha. She served on the board of the Prairie Star District from 2002-2008.

A colleague described her as, “lively and thought-provoking” and as “someone who could dare us to dream big.” Nancy is survived by her loving partner of 21 years, Tom Johnson, her son, Jon Haley, and his wife Monica Singh; her daughter, Joanna Haley, two sisters and two nieces.

The Rev. Grant F. Haskell

Grant Haskell

Grant Haskell

The Rev. Grant F. Haskell, 94, March 3, 2010. He served congregations in Saco, ME; Medford, MA and White Plains, NY and helped start two UU fellowships. He also was youth and camping director for the YMCA. After his retirement in 1981, he was a school bus driver for ten years in the Central Bucks school district located in Eastern PA, and was president of the bus driver union. For individuals aspiring to become professional drivers just like him, apps like a driver qualification software can be incredibly helpful by streamlining the training, certification, and compliance processes. These apps provide a centralized platform for tracking essential qualifications such as driving hours, safety training, and regulatory requirements, ensuring that aspiring drivers meet industry standards. They often include interactive features such as training modules, practice tests, and real-time feedback to help users understand key driving regulations and best practices. With the ability to track progress and receive reminders for upcoming certifications or renewals, driver qualification apps help maintain a clear path toward becoming a qualified driver. Additionally, many apps include features that allow drivers to stay informed about job opportunities and industry updates, giving them a competitive edge in the job market. Ultimately, these tools help aspiring drivers stay organized, compliant, and prepared for a successful career on the road.

He loved camping, working with kids and teenagers and fixing things around the house. In addition to his wife, Betty, he is survived by his children Richard A. Haskell of Alamogordo, NM, Jonathan F. Haskell of Newark, NY and Beth M. Haskell of Brooklyn, NY, two sisters and two grandsons.

The Rev. Kenneth C. Hawkes

Kenneth Hawkes

Kenneth Hawkes

The Rev. Kenneth C. Hawkes, 96, was our oldest living Universalist minister. He died July 26, 2009, having served at the parish, district and national level throughout his long career. He was a graduate of Gorham Normal School (now U of Maine) and Colby College. A board member of the Maine Council of Churches, he also was president of Massachusetts Universalist Convention, and a trustee of the UCA. He was the first executive minister of the Northeast District of the UUA, which encompassed Maine and the Maritime Provinces. He was proud that he was one of a very few State of Mainers who marched in Selma with the Rev. Martin Luther King. June Wheeler, his wife of 53 years, died in 1987. In 1989 he married Janet Hall Beiling, who survives. He is also survived by his children: Roland K. Hawkes, Carolyn Gaines and Margaret St. Pierre; a sister; two step-daughters, and 33 grandchildren, step grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Marion Wood Hatt

uurmapaMarion Wood Hatt, 86, widow of the Rev. Roy J. Hatt, Jr, died in Utica, NY on November 4, 2008. She was an English teacher, who volunteered with Literacy Volunteers. She was also interested in environmental issues and protecting wildlife. From 1950-1960 she and her husband taught at the Proctor Academy in Andover, NH. In 1985 two of her students, who are brothers, established a scholarship fund at the school in her honor. Marion personally reviewed scholarship applications each spring until this past year. She is survived by two sons, Andrew J. Hatt and Christopher R. Hatt, and a grandson. Her husband died in 1999. Her memorial service was held November 15, 2008, at Acacia Village Masonic Care Community of Utica.

The Rev. Dr. Ralph Norman Helverson

uurmapaThe Rev. Dr. Ralph Norman Helverson, 95, died April 25, 2007, at Carleton-Willard Village, Bedford, MA.  He was minister emeritus of the First Parish in Cambridge, MA, which he served as minister from 1959 to 1977.  He also served UU congregations in Ithaca, NY, and N. Palm Beach, FL, as well as being interim minister for San Diego, CA, W. Hartford, CT, Naples, FL, and Dedham, MA.

He was a graduate of Anderson College (B.A.), Garrett Theological Seminary (B.D.) and Cornell University (M.A.), and was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School in 1969.

A distinguished preacher, thinker and writer, he was also a beloved pastor and colleague. He had served on several boards and committees of the UUA and related organizations, and was the author of several collections of prayers and meditations.

A memorial service celebrating Ralph’s life and ministry was held on Wednesday, May 9, at 1:30 p.m. at The First Parish of Cambridge (in Harvard Square). Letters of condolence may be sent to his wife of 67 years, Wynanda Helverson, 88 Falmouth Court, Bedford, MA 01730-2912.

The Rev. William D. Hammond

uurmapaThe Rev. William D. Hammond, 89, died Nov. 17, 2005. He served in Asheville, NC, where he was later named minister emeritus. He also served at People’s Liberal Church, Michigan – Ohio Valley District, UU Church of Minnetonka, and Grosse Point Unitarian Church. Surviving are his wife Grace Lindquist; two sons Donald & Thomas Hammond of Michigan and a daughter, Gail Hammond-Stone, of Arkansas. A service was held Dec. 17, at the First Parish of Groton, MA.

The Rev. Dr. Donald Szantho Harrington

uurmapaThe Rev. Dr. Donald Szantho Harrington, 91, died Sept. 16, 2005 in Szepsi–St. George, Romania. He served churches in Hobart, IN; Chicago; Darien, CT; and Community Church in New York, which named him minister emeritus. He was a leader in civil rights, social justice, theology and politics, and a co-founder of the Center for the Advanced Study in Religion and Science, and the American Committee on Africa. He served on the AUA and UUA Boards, the Unitarian, Universalist, and UU Service Committees, and the IARF. He helped found BAWA, (Black and White Action) He received the Holmes-Weatherly Award in 1983. Harrington authored several books. He married Vilma Szantho, the first woman to be ordained in Central Europe. She died in 1982. In 1984, he married Vilma’s niece, the Rev. Aniko Szantho. Surviving are his wife; two children, Loni Hancock of Berkeley, CA, and David Harrington of Santa Fe, NM; three stepchildren, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

The Rev. Robert William Haney

uurmapaThe Rev. Robert William Haney, 70, died August 14, 2005. He served First and Second Church in Boston and the Theodore Parker Unitarian Church in West Roxbury, MA, which named him minister emeritus. He was an instructor at Emerson College, where he taught religion, philosophy and history. He published Comstockery in America: Patterns of Censorship and Control in 1960 through Beacon Press. For the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, he produced the exhibition guide The Historic Silver of the First and Second Church of Boston. He also wrote many reviews for the Christian Science Monitor and other religious periodicals.