The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Harrington

Mary Harrington

Mary Harrington

The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Harrington, 58, died at home October 26, 2010, after a courageous struggle with ALS. She attended Middlebury College and graduated from William James College of Grand Valley State University with a BS in Social Ethics and Social Relations. She was executive director of Home Hospice of Sonoma County (CA).

She earned her M. Div. from Starr King. She served UU churches in Santa Rosa, CA; Houston, TX; Marblehead and Winchester, MA. Her last congregation named her minister emerita. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, she co-founded and served as president of Gulf Coast Volunteers for the Long Haul. She led 14 trips to the area, many from a wheelchair.

Mary delivered the sermon at the Service of the Living Tradition at the 2009 GA in Salt Lake City. She was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Sacred Theology from Starr King for her outstanding service as a parish minister and her inspiring leadership as president of Gulf Coast Volunteers for the Long Haul.

She is survived by her beloved husband of 30 years, Martin Teitel, her children, Julia & Samuel Teitel, and her stepson, Jason Teitel.

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