Dorothy Moore Clary

Dorothy Clary

Dorothy Clary

Dorothy Moore Clary, 82, wife of the Rev. Bruce Clary, died December 23, 2010. She had been a physical education teacher who had a passion for teaching. She enjoyed swimming. During Bruce’s ministry at First Church, Dedham, MA, Dottie was an active member of the Women’s Alliance. Her work on the Alliance board included serving as co- president. She is remembered for helping with mailing the newsletter, networking, greeting and working on the church’s holly fair fundraiser. She supported the Dedham Food Pantry, volunteering many hours on behalf of the congregation. When she turned 80, Dottie was presented with the Clara Barton Award by the First Church (Dedham) Women’s Alliance. She is survived by her brother Charles Moore of Greenfield, MA, by three grandchildren and by her husband of 33 years.

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