Packing It In and Perking It Up: Changing Perspectives

Our winter 2022 conference on February 28–March 2 was again virtual. Instead of one theme speaker this year, a panel reflected on the conference theme. Panel members were: Barry Finkelstein, Laurel Hallman, David Hubner, and Carolyn Price. Walt Wieder served as moderator. The questions posed for reflection were:

  • Have our perspectives changed as ministers or minister’s partners? How?
  • Have our perspectives changed as Unitarian Universalists? How?
  • If we’ve continued practicing ministry or other professions, does that mean we’ve “failed retirement?”
  • How have we maintained connections?
  • What are we letting go?
  • What new adventures are we exploring, welcoming into our lives?
  • How do we handle the challenges of our aging bodies? 
  • How are we facing death – our own and those we love?

Following the panelists’ presentation, small groups reflected on the same questions. There were a variety of breakout groups on other topics, worship and remembrance of those who have recently died, and odysseys given by Judy Gibson and Lilia Curervo. See Spring 2022 Elderberries for a full report.