The Rev. Dr. Peter Spilman Raible

uurmapaThe Rev. Dr. Peter Spilman Raible, 74, died May 17, 2004 of congestive heart failure in a hospice in Seattle, WA. He served congregations in Providence, RI; Lincoln, NE; Seattle, Tacoma and Bainbridge, WA; Tulsa, OK; and Kirkwood, MO.. He was executive director for the Pacific Northwest District and served as Interim Director of Settlement at the UUA. He is survived by his brother, the Rev. Christopher Raible of Creemore, ON; his children, the Rev. Deborah Raible of Seattle; Stephen Raible of Stanwood, WA; Robin Raible of Seattle; and Robert Raible of Danville, CA; and eight grandchildren.

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