The Rev. Hartley C. Ray

Hartley Ray

Hartley Ray

The Rev. Hartley C. Ray, 92, died August 21, 2010. A graduate of Bates College and the University of Chicago Divinity School, he also worked on a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion, at U. of Chicago. Ordained a Congregationalist, he served Congregational church in El Paso, TX, after having been fellowshipped by the AUA. In El Paso he was a member of the executive committee of the Southern Conference for Human Welfare. He served churches in Chicago; Highland Park, IL; and Orange, NJ. He served as chaplain at Philadelphia State Hospital for 19 years and the Philadelphia Protestant Home for two years. He served non-UU churches in CT and PA, as well. Active in the Chicago and NYC ministers study and fellowship groups, he was also a member of the Community Service Council of Oranges and Maplewood, NJ, a planning body for welfare agencies and hospitals. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Kay Hartley, of 49 years, Kay Hartley, three daughters and five grandchildren.

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