The Rev. Hvezdon “Don” Kafka

Hvezdon Kafka

Hvezdon Kafka

The Rev. Hvezdon “Don” Kafka, 86, died at his home in Marlborough, MA March 16, 2008. As a child, he attended the Rev. Norbert Capek’s church in Prague where Rev. Capek celebrated the first flower communion, a ritual now practiced widely throughout our denomination. Don was a scholar and a gifted pastor whose extraordinary life experience helped him to assist others through difficult times. The Rev. Tom Rosiello, who serves the Stow and Acton church, described him as a real inspiration, saying, “In spite of the many physical challenges Rev. Kafka faced over the last several years, he remained positive in spirit and strong in his faith and always offered words of support and encouragement to me for my ministry at the church.  It was an honor for me to learn from him and get to know him.”

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