The Rev. Marvin Davis Evans

Marvin Evans
Marvin Evans

The Reverend Marvin Evans, parish minister and devoted servant of the wider UU movement, died on 9 January 2016 at the age of 90.

Marvin Davis Evans was born on 2 December 1925 to Olaus Bowdoin Evans and Pearl Hutchinson Evans. After high school he joined the U.S. Army, serving in the liberation of Europe. He earned a B.A. from Randolph-Macon College in 1949, and a B.D. from Meadville Lombard in 1963.

After ordination in 1963 by the First Unitarian Church of Richmond (Virginia), the Rev. Evans served the Unitarian Church of Victoria, British Columbia, until 1967. Leaving the settled ministry, he took up a string of interim ministries along with a stint as UUA Director of Church Staff Finances (1978-81), finally retiring as Minister Emeritus to the Bellingham (Wash) Unitarian Fellowship in 1988. During these years, he served many active roles with the UUA and UUMA.

Marvin and his wife, Mary Hood Evans, moved to Seattle in 1967 and were dedicated members of University Unitarian Church for thirty years. After Mary died in 2004, Marvin became active in the Cedars Church (UU) on Bainbridge Island, from 2006 until his death.

His son David wrote: “Beyond family and a love of books and sailing, the Unitarian Church was very much in the center of my father’s life. He greatly enjoyed the service he gave to the church, who in return have been very supportive of him in his ‘radiant twilight years.’”

The Cedars UU Church hosted a memorial service on 13 February 2016. Condolences may be sent to the family at: David Evans & Alexis Johanson, P.O. Box 377, Keyport, WA 98345.

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