2022 Unsung UURMaPAn

Duane Fickeisen

Our Hero, Duane Fickeisen

Each year, the Board of UURMaPA honors a volunteer who has made an extraordinary contribution to our organization, working behind the scenes during their retirement years. This year’s deserving honoree is Duane Fickeisen.

Duane retired from settled parish ministry in 2011 and has served UURMaPA as webmaster since the fall of 2012. With characteristic grace, patience, and good humor, Duane has kept the site’s information portal current through transitions over the years.

In addition, responding to the evolving personal needs of both ministers and partners, Duane founded two much-appreciated peer groups –- one supporting caregivers and another for those experiencing grief.

Congratulations to Duane Fickeisen, recipient of the UURMaPA Unsung Hero Award for 2022.