UURMaPA Membership Coordinator Job Description

(approved by the Board on 3/21/24)

Rationale:  The Membership Coordinator performs important functions for UURMaPA in keeping membership and communication lists current and accurate. They manage posting and use of the membership list for communications and serve as primary administrator for the UURMaPA Announce list-serve provided through UUA.org. 

Expectations:  Basic duties of this job include the following:

  • Maintains current membership information using an Excel spreadsheet and two  Directories (Membership and Connections) as Word documents or in whatever format the membership database management system requires.
  • When a minister retires, the Intent to Retire form is sent from the UUA to the Membership Coordinator, and the minister (and spouse if any) are added as new members. This includes adding the email address to the Announce-List.
  • Updated Directories (saved as pdf documents) are sent monthly to the Webmaster to post on the website. The Announce-List is also updated with any changes. 
  • Other duties include preparing extracts of the Excel data to send to the printer for mailing the newsletter, the appeal letter, or other needed mailings.

This is an appointed position with Board liaison that begins or may be renewed annually each July.

Proposed by Marcia Olsen, Membership Coordinator as of March, 2015. 
Edits by Judy Gibson, March 2020. 
Suggested revision – Susan V Rak December 2023.