Board members work throughout the year to formulate policy, keep in contact with our retired ministers and partners, plan advocacy projects, and assist in developing activities for the membership. Please feel free to contact any Board member with questions or ideas. (Their contact info and brief bios follow below; terms of office extend through June of the indicated year.) Your input, enthusiasm, and creativity are the energy sources of our UURMaPA community.
Key Governance Documents:
UURMaPA Purpose (and latest amendments)
Endowment Fund
Leadership Position Job Descriptions
Leadership Service History
Operating Procedures
Board of Directors

The Rev. Dr. Susan Veronica Rak, President (2025)
Asbury Park NJ
Susan Veronica Rak has been a UU since the early 1970s and a minister since 1996. She recently completed two interim ministries at Warrington PA (2016-18) and First Unitarian, Philadelphia (2014-16). Before that, she was settled in East Brunswick NJ, (2005-14). She also served Flushing, Queens NY, Greater Bridgeport CT, Levittown PA, Community Church NY, and was Program Consultant for the Joseph Priestley District. Susan served on the UUMA Board from 2011 to 2014. She and her spouse, Dr. Mary Chinery, reside in Asbury Park NJ.

The Rev. Ned Wight, Vice-President (2025)
Roslyn NY
Ned was born in Baltimore, MD, on Mozart’s Birthday in 1947, but grew up in Battle Creek, MI, and Gresham, OR, where he was affiliated with Congregational and Methodist churches. After working in data processing and public relations, he earned an M Div from Harvard Divinity School. He served congregations in Belmont (MA) and La Mesa (CA) and was a district trustee on the UUA Board for five years. In 2006 he became Executive Director of the UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, and starting in 2016, he was Interim Senior Minister at the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, from which he retired in August 2019. He currently serves as chair of the board of the UU Service Committee and as a member of the advisory board of the UUA’s Beacon Press. He lives in the caretaker’s apartment at Cedarmere, William Cullen Bryant’s historic home in Roslyn, New York.
Gloria Perez, Rockton, IL
(recently finished term as Secretary)
INCOMING Secretary (July 1, 2024):

The Rev. Anne Marsh
Albuquerque NM
Anne grew up UU, and her first career was as a reference librarian. She loved that job, but loved congregational work even more, and met her spouse, Wade Wheelock, while helping to start a new UU congregation. They changed careers together, and after graduating from Meadville/ Lombard, were called as co-ministers to Canton NY, where they served for 16 years and were named Ministers Emerita/us when they retired in 2009.
They moved to New Mexico to be closer to family, living first in the mountains of Los Alamos and now in Albuquerque. Anne has been on the planning team for the past three UURMaPA conferences, serving as scribe and writing the obituaries for the Remembrance Service. In addition to being a doting grandmother, Anne likes doing pretty much anything that gets her outdoors. She also enjoys swimming, knitting, and covenant groups, and is learning to play the piano.
The Rev. Dr. Richard Speck, Wilmington DE
(recently finished term as Treasurer)
INCOMING Treasurer (July 1, 2024):

The Rev. Dr. Paul Johnson
West Melbourne FL
Paul holds the D.Min. and D.D. Degrees from Meadville/Lombard Theological School, is Minister Emeritus of the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, Long Island, and is currently a contract minister at the UU congregation in West Melbourne FL. He has served eight congregations over his 48-year career.
Paul has served the UUMA as chair of the CENTER Committee and as president of the national organization. He has served the UUA as chair of the Council of Church Staff Finances, as a member of the Compensation, Benefits, and Pension Committee, and as a member of the Commission on Social Witness. He currently is on the board of the Unitarian Pension Society. He also served a term as vice president of the board of Meadville/Lombard.
The Rev. Fritz Hudson, Connections Coordinator (2025)
Charlottesville VA
Fritz’s UU ministry began in 1976, with graduation from Harvard Divinity. He served as developmental minister in North Carolina & Pennsylvania, settled minister in Iowa, Arizona & Nebraska, and interim minister in Connecticut & Minnesota. Ginny Gross was his most-supportive partner in that service for 30 years, but they were able to share just one glorious year of retirement before her sudden death.
Their children (Eric & Sally)’s lives first brought Fritz on East Coast visits, but then introduced him to one Donna Shaunesey of Charlottesville VA (Sally’s home). His permanent move to C’ville soon followed to seal their partnership.
In C’ville’s UU Congregation, Fritz has become a choir tenor, a coming-of-age mentor, and the primary liaison to the area’s Clergy Collective. His weekday life is largely invested in attorney/mediator service in C’ville’s criminal, domestic relations and juvenile justice system, and to supporting Donna’s regional climate activism. Around the edges, they find ample time for paddleboarding, kayaking, hiking & biking.

The Rev. Wayne Arnason, Member-at-Large for UUMA/UUA Relations (2025)
Charlottesville, VA
Wayne is a lifelong UU with a 46-year career of service in UU congregations and institutions. He served in two long-term parish ministries, one with his spouse, the Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, in Rocky River, OH (2000–16), and earlier in Charlottesville, VA (1984– 2000), where they have now made their permanent home. Wayne retired from full-time ministry in 2016, and then continued to do interim ministry and to serve on the board of Meadville Lombard Theological School. He enjoys being a new grandfather, a house-husband, and supporting Kathleen in her interim ministry career. He has served as chair of the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee, Secretary of the UUA Board of Trustees, and President of the UUMA. He and Kathleen co-authored Worship That Works (2008). And with the Rev. Sam Trumbore, he published a collection of essays on Buddhist Voices in Unitarian Universalism (2013).

Joy Atkinson, Connections Asst. (2025)
Beaverton OR
The Rev. Joy Atkinson was ordained in 1974 after a year-long consulting ministry at the Humboldt UU Fellowship in Northern California. She went on to serve for 24 years as parish minister in Duluth MN, Davis CA and San Mateo CA.
Upon leaving a 14-year ministry in San Mateo in 2002, she was named their Minister Emerita. Not ready to retire at the time, she moved into interim ministry, and served 10 congregations in California and one in Arizona as interim senior minister over the next 16 years.
She retired in 2018. In retirement she has pursued writing, choral singing and amateur astronomy.
The Rev. Ann Schranz, Sturgeon Bay, WI
(recently finished a term as Elderberries Editor)
INCOMING Elderberries Editor (July 1, 2024):

The Rev. George Buchanan
Perth, Ontario, Canada
George is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist. He is Canadian—born in Ottawa, Ontario—with childhood and teenage years growing up in the Montreal suburbs. After decades in high technology work, George decided to become a UU minister. George was ordained in 2006. He moved to the US for 16 years where he served in several UU ministries in Northeast Ohio and Western New York.
George and Carrie are retired now and live in Perth, Ontario. They have two adult children and three grandchildren. George’s ongoing ministry interests include deep adaptation and the wisdom of the Indigenous nations of North America.

The Rev. Barbro Hansson, Member-at-Large for Conferences (continuing, 2026)
Peterborough NH
Since her retirement in 2014, Barbro has found new purpose through her involvement in planning UURMaPA fall conferences. She also discovered the art of needle felting and during the COVID pandemic, knitting became her spiritual practice.
Barbro is a naturalized US citizen whose Swedish heritage is at her core. On vacation in 1973, Barbro met her first husband, who was stationed with the US Army in Greece. He introduced her to Unitarian Universalism and Barbro attended her first UU gathering in Berchtesgaden, Germany, in January, 1974. A month later, she arrived on US soil. While acclimating to a new culture, Barbro worked as a layout artist at the Swedish-American newspaper in Brooklyn NY. Her daughter, Karin, was born in 1976 and when she was two, the family moved to Virginia and began attending the Waynesboro UU Fellowship.
In 1982, Barbro decided to pursue a college degree and two years after graduation from Mary Baldwin College (Staunton VA), she was hired as Director of Alumnae Projects there with the primary responsibility of planning events, like class reunions and homecoming as well as the College’s Sesquicentennial celebration.
During the 1980s, Barbro became active within UUism, both locally and regionally. In 1987, she was elected to the Board of the then Thomas Jefferson District. Her call to ministry came amidst racial tension at the 1993 GA in Charlotte NC. When her term as TJ District president expired in 1994, she enrolled at Meadville Lombard Theological School.
After serving as Extension Minister in Plattsburgh NY, where she met Tom, her second husband, Barbro accepted a call to All Souls Church in Brattleboro VT, a congregation recently traumatized by a fatal shooting. Her ministry there focused on healing, re-establishing trust and mending the fabric of community.
After 12 rewarding years at All Souls, Barbro retired to spend more time with family. Tom & Barbro have three adult children and two grand-children and split their time between Peterborough NH and Staunton VA.
Nominating Committee
The Rev. Beth Miller (continuing, 2026), chair
Sarasota, FL
Barry Finkelstein (continuing, 2026)
Alexandria, VA
The Rev. Dr. Sue Redfern-Campbell (2025), scribe
Albuquerque, NM
Kathleen Hunter (2025)
New London, NH
The Rev. Ginger Luke (2025)
Bethesda, MD
The Rev. Jaco ten Hove
Bellingham, WA
Membership Coordinator
The Rev. Ann Marie Alderman
West Orange, NJ
UURMaPA Historian
POSITION OPEN (Contact NomCom, above, if interested)
MANY THANKS to The Rev. Susan LaMar, Uxbridge, MA
(recently finished long service as Historian)
Registered Agent
The Rev. Lilia Cuervo
Medford, MA